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How This Site is Made

Why in the world would you build an entire website from scratch in the year 2024? Isn't that some insane level of over-engineering, when all you want is a blog and a few static pages? For most people, yes, but maybe we're just built different.

2023 In Review

Welcome to the site! This is my first post on the new site, and also my first new blog post in several years. It's going to be a long(er) one and one not targeted at any audience specifically, except maybe friends, colleagues, and people who know me. Come along and find out what made 2023 special!


This is from the archive - posts pulled from across the internet before this site existed. I wrote this post back in 2017 when I was still on Medium - it's about a moment when I was struggling with mental health and trying to come to terms with my identity and career path. Alternative title - Quarter Life Crisis? Ultimately, I did pay off all that debt.

Second Act

This is from the archive - posts pulled from across the internet before this site existed. This was my first and only blog post for something like 10 years. It sort of quickly narrates my story up till that point. A lot has happened since then. It's an interesting, cathartic read that I felt like keeping around.